
Articlessubmittedtothejournalshouldbebetween6000–9000wordsinlength,includingnotes.Authorsshouldensurethattheirmaindocumentisfully ...,2024年2月14日—Deadlineforsubmission:May15,2025.TheFrenchReviewwelcomesarticlesforaSpecialIssueon:TheFrenchReview'sCentennial.TheAATFand ...,SubmissionstotheFrenchReviewshouldbeinthelatesteditionofMLAStyle(currently9thedition,see

English Submission | French Studies

Articles submitted to the journal should be between 6000–9000 words in length, including notes. Authors should ensure that their main document is fully ...

FR Announcements

2024年2月14日 — Deadline for submission: May 15, 2025. The French Review welcomes articles for a Special Issue on: The French Review's Centennial. The AATF and ...

FR Author Guidelines

Submissions to the French Review should be in the latest edition of MLA Style (currently 9th edition, see ...


Once you have approved the galley proofs or the galley proofs have been with you for two weeks without a response, the review will be submitted for publication.

How to submit

Submissions accepted in English and French. Abstract: a brief (250 words or less) description of the work, including title and 5-6 keywords.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be in English and must be previously unpublished. Translations are welcome and should be accompanied by a copy of the original.

Submissions | French Colonial History

All submissions must be original research that has not been published in English or French. Translation from languages other than English or French may be ...

The French Review

Accepted submissions include original, unpublished articles and reviews on French and Francophone literature, cinema, culture, linguistics, and pedagogy.

The French Review - Project MUSE

Accepted submissions include original, unpublished articles and reviews on French and Francophone literature, cinema, culture, linguistics, and pedagogy.

The Paris Review Submission Manager

All submissions must be in English and must be previously unpublished. Translations are welcome and should be accompanied by a copy of the original.